IVF countdown: thoughts at 1 month to go

Our first IVF cycle begins in January and despite the fact that it’s taken 812 days and 29 sad, unfertilized eggs to get to this point, I’m still in a state of total disbelief that we’re here. But we are here and this is happening. [For any fans of The Office (US version) – that... Continue Reading →

18 Responses to that “when are you going to have a baby?” question…

“When are you going to have a baby?” Shortly after getting married, I started being asked this at an alarming frequency – not by my friends and family but, almost exclusively, by people who weren’t particularly close to me (distant relatives, nosey neighbours, Barbara from accounts etc.) It’s an incredibly invasive, potentially triggering and not... Continue Reading →

NHS vs Private: the battle for the bump

Paying for private fertility treatment is a luxury (and I use that word lightly) that not everyone can afford. On the flip side, access to free fertility treatment on the NHS is a luxury that not everyone can take advantage of. The “postcode lottery” in the UK means that, essentially, the street you live on... Continue Reading →

Let’s not beat around the bush

As featured on Scary Mommy. Fertility doctors don’t “beat around the bush” and this expression, so apt and so full of innuendo, is the most perfect way to describe every single conversation we’ve had regarding our fertility. I’ve become so accustomed to speaking openly about this sort of stuff that my sense of normal conversational... Continue Reading →

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